Thursday, September 25, 2014

Men's Night Championship

This Wednesday marked the final week of the Men's Night league. Throughout the summer, the men gathered around 5:30 on Wednesday nights for a different nine hole game consisting of everything from scrambles, shambles, best balls, multiple tees, and any combination of the sorts. For the final "Championship Night" every man played their own ball to determine a final gross and net winner for the year. 

Chuck Rotter fired a very respectable 40 on the front side of the Devlin course, but it was not enough to catch the eventual Men's Night gross champion Mike Manno. Mike fired a 1-over par 37 to take home the gross champion title. 

On the net side, Ted Mangosh fired his number and recorded a net 36, but came up short to net champion Bob Dawson who fired a 42 net 34.

And what would such a big event be without some incredible trophies to commemorate such a big win! 

Congratulations to both gentleman, and thank you to all of the men who came out every Wednesday to make it such a fun year!

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